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causes for plaster walls crack

Plaster is an integral part of the aesthetics of your house. It also helps to strengthen the walls and can make decorating easier on a practical level. However, cracks can easily form in plaster, meaning you have to quickly look for plaster repairs in Auckland.

Cracks can form in plaster for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the main ones.


Weather is one of the uncontrollable things on this list. However, whether we like it or not, it can have a big influence on the plaster in our homes. If you live in an area prone to very hot days and rather chilly nights then this can play havoc with your plaster as the air moves in and through your walls. Furthermore, if you are fond of keeping yourself toasty warm on a cold winter’s night, the temperature contrasts can cause cracks to occur.


Remodelling projects normally involve a lot of upheaval for your house. Maybe you’re inserting a new wall or laying new foundations. Alternatively, maybe you’re adding an annexe or an extension to increase your space.

With so much going on, it is only natural that there will be some settling and shifting for a year or so after a major remodelling project. This can cause cracks to appear but normally a coat of paint will fix them.


HVAC systems work by pumping air into a room. This forced air can often start drying the walls out, whether it’s hot or cold, and can cause some substantial cracks to form in the plaster. Some can get so bad that you will have to look for plaster repairs in Auckland to sort the problem out.

To prevent this process or at least reduce its effect, you will need to install a humidity control system for your house. Ideally, your house should have a humidity level of around 30 or 40 percent, both for your sake and the walls. By having one of these systems installed, you can regulate your humidity and ensure it is at the right level.


Dry air can cause serious cracks in your plaster as it pulls the moisture out of it.

Dry air is becoming more of a problem in modern households due to energy efficiency and dehumidifiers. Again, you may have to fit a humidity control system to sort out this problem. Any substantial cracks will need to be dealt with by someone who can do professional plaster repairs in Auckland.


If you have wide or very long cracks in your plaster then this can be a sign of a more serious problem.

Exterior walls with cracks running down them can be a sign of subsidence or other foundation issues. It may also be evidence of a problem with a recent renovation. For instance, if you’ve removed a wall, the remaining walls may now have to take more weight and this may be proving too much.

If you see discolouration or staining around a crack, this is likely to be a sign of a leak somewhere, either from the roof, a window, a water pipe, or something else.

If you are looking for a professional to carry out plaster repairs in Auckland, please get in touch. We have an excellent reputation and can make your plaster look like new again.

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